Review in Art in America!
Thrilled to share a wonderful review by Diana Seo Hyung Lee. It will also be published in the September 2022 issue of the Art in America Magazine. You can read the full review here:
“Liu is interested in the metaphorical implications of this development: women, who are often politically reduced to vessels for carrying children, and who are then expected to raise those kids through overlooked labor, can produce milk that contains unacknowledged carriers of sustenance for their babies. This is not an affirmation of women as vessels nor an assertion that breast milk is the only right option. It is an exhortation to look more closely not only at the unborn, but also at the women who bear them, without turning away.”
Essay in Mirror Mirror Catalogue
Many thanks to Anonda Bell and Jacqueline Mabey for their thoughtful and insightful words about my work! Pictured above, the slick and gorgeous cover that I couldn't help taking a selfie in.

See Yourself X: Expanded Human Futures Book Launch
See Yourself X: Expanded Human Futures Book Launch: I am contributing artist to the latest book of one of my favorite authors. All lovers of on body architecture and wearable tech should check it out!
Grounded Visionaries Conference at Harvard Graduate School of Design
Please to say that some of my work will be included in a conference at Harvard GSD Fall of 2015.