Showing new works at the James Gallery

I am showing six new drawings in an exhibition titled Textures of Feminist Preserverance at the James Gallery at the CUNY Graduate Center.

Pictured below is a lactocyte, a cell that makes milk. For the last few years, I have been obsessed with scientific and medical imagery surrounding female bodies, approaching the material with simultaneous curiosity and criticality.

The show is titled Textures of Feminist Perseverance and it is a joint exhibition between the James Gallery and the Cuchifritos Gallery + Project Space.

From the curatorial statement:

Presented in two venues, Textures of Feminist Perseverance asks how women's daily experiences and contributions are recorded in physical, virtual, and social public spheres. Centering the work of 17 female-identifying artists, this project supports artists who are imagining ways for women to take up the space they are already producing. What might a city honoring women's lived experiences look like? How can the city be a living archive of women's accomplishments in a visual vocabulary that may not already be recognized in the dominant discourse? This work is often achieved through a preoccupation with hands-on and labor-intensive making practices that foreground physical and embodied attentiveness to materials, social gathering, and awareness of time.

Artists on view: Sarah Ahmed, Mimi Biyao Bai, Sonya Blesofsky, Langdon Graves, Sara Jimenez, Martine Kaczynski, Rhea Karam, Amy Khoshbin, Fay Ku, Ani Liu, Jodie Lyn-Kee-Chow, Jen Mazza, Deborah Mesa-Pelly, Ashley Minner, Natalie Moore, Ellie Murphy, Dina Weiss

With sincere gratitude to the curatorial team: Dina Weiss, Katherine Carl, Jodi Waynberg

The exhibition is featured in Hyperallergic Spring 2024 New York Art Guide