Showing at the Macau Biennale

Happy to share that I am exhibiting in the Macau International Art Biennale 2023, titled “Revelation To _____”.

Image courtesy of Macau Biennale

Image courtesy of Macau Biennale

Image courtesy of Macau Biennale

Image courtesy of Macau Biennale

Revelation To_" features seven local and international artists or artist duos, and promises to be thought-provoking and engaging in equal measures. Their artworks examine the age of artificial intelligence while also offering a visual ode to human existence.

Exhibition Period:
2023.10.6 – 11.30

Exhibition Venue:
Lisboa Gallery, Macau Fisherman's Wharf

林小雯 Lam Sio Man
陸竹 Pal Lok Chok

Participating Artists:
樊燕君 Fan In Kuan
梁子毛 Leong Chi Mou
梁臻 Leong Chon
劉安妮 Ani Liu
媽打沙律 Marta Stanisława Sala 及 張健文 Cheong Kin Man
克萊門特·瓦拉 Clement Valla
張璐 Lu Zhang